From arm to heart: Understanding the blood donation process
From arm to heart: Understanding the blood donation process

Welcome to the final instalment of our three-part series on blood donation. In this part, we delve into the intricacies of the blood donation process, exploring what happens from the moment you roll up your sleeve to the impact your donation has on those in need. Join us as we unravel the process of blood donation, highlighting the critical steps involved in this life-saving endeavour.

The donation process
The blood donation process typically consists of several key steps, each essential in ensuring the safety and efficacy of the donated blood.1 Here's an overview of what you can expect during your donation experience:

Registration and screening
Registration and screening Registration and screening

Upon arrival at the blood donation center, you'll be asked to complete a registration form providing your personal information and consent to donate. You'll then undergo a thorough screening process to assess your eligibility to donate. This may include a confidential questionnaire about your medical history, lifestyle factors, and recent travel, as well as a brief physical examination to ensure your well-being.

Preparation Preparation

Once cleared for donation, you'll be led to a donation area where a trained phlebotomist will prepare you for the donation process. They will clean the donation site on your arm and select a suitable vein for blood collection.

Donation Donation

The actual blood donation process typically takes around 10–15 minutes. A sterile needle will be inserted into the vein in your arm, and blood will be collected into a specialised donation bag. Throughout the donation process, you'll be seated comfortably, and the phlebotomist will monitor your progress to ensure a safe and successful donation.

Post-donation refreshments
Post-donation refreshments Post-donation refreshments

After completing your donation, you'll be invited to relax in a designated recovery area and enjoy some light refreshments provided by the donation center. This allows you to replenish your energy levels and ensure you're feeling well before leaving the donation center.

The impact of your donation
Your blood donation has the power to save lives and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Here are some ways in which your donation can impact those in need in Singapore:

  • Supporting medical treatments: Donated blood is used in a wide range of medical treatments and procedures, including surgeries, trauma care, cancer treatments, and organ transplants. In Singapore, the breakdown of where blood is used for is as follows.2
    Usage Percentage
    Surgery (including trauma and heart surgery) 39%
    General Medicine 32%
    Haematology (blood diseases) 10%
    Oncology 10%
    Obstetrics and Gynaecology 5%
    Others 4%
  • Emergency response: In times of emergencies such as accidents or natural disasters, donated blood plays a crucial role in providing immediate care and support to those affected. During emergencies, the demand for blood can surge, underscoring the importance of maintaining an adequate blood supply through regular donations.
  • Chronic conditions: Individuals living with chronic illnesses such as thalassaemia and leukaemia rely on regular blood transfusions to manage their condition and maintain their health. In Singapore, patients with thalassaemia require frequent blood transfusions to prevent complications and improve their quality of life. Each patient with thalassaemia requires an average of 3 to 4 red cell units per month.3

Did you know?

Mixed reality technology has been used during blood donation in the United States. It helps ease donors' feelings of anxiety and boosts the likelihood they will return. In fact, 89.2% of donors who tried mixed reality said they were likely to donate blood again.4

By understanding the blood donation process and the impact of your donation, you become an integral part of the life-saving journey. Your generosity and commitment to blood donation help ensure a steady supply of safe and suitable blood for patients in need, providing hope and healing to countless individuals around the world. Thank you for joining us in this series on blood donation, and we encourage you to continue supporting this vital cause.


  1. I'm Ready to Donate. Singapore Red Cross. Available at:,postponed%20until%20the%20next%20day.
  2. Blood facts and figures. Health Science Authority Singapore. Available at:
  3. Why Should I Donate Blood? Singapore Red Cross. Available at:
  4. New Study Shows Mixed Reality Technology For Blood Donation From Abbott And Blood Centers Of America Helps Ease Stress, Encourages People To Donate Again. Abbott Press Releases. Available at:,-Encourages-People-to-Donate-Again.

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